Primary Market Research

Is guesswork guiding your product development and marketing decisions?

End the uncertainty with my expert Market Demand Survey Services. I collect and analyze customer data to help you validate concepts, assess market opportunities, and optimize messaging and pricing – giving you the insights to make confident business decisions.

My Services

I offer:

  • Survey Design: I craft targeted survey questions to address your research objectives using proven approaches that encourage response.
  • Respondent Sourcing: I tap into diverse consumer panels or recruit very specific profiles that match your target segments.
  • Analysis & Reporting: I translate the numbers into easy-to-understand reports and strategic guidance.

How I’m Different

I bring a wealth of experience to provide you with customised market demand survey services. I have a background in survey design, data analysis, and reporting and this allows me to offer all the perspectives required for your unique needs.


  • Survey Design, Responder Sourcing & Reporting: £250-£400 depending on the nature of the survey.
  • If survey reward incentives are needed, these are charged at cost.